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  • Global Leeds

What's the Best Way to Tackle False Rumours?

We hear all too often today about fake news, misinformation and disinformation, and the problems and perils this can create for ordinary people trying to go about their lives in peace.

That's why this morning we hosted a webinar on how cities can tackle the rumours and misunderstandings that give rise to mistrust and hate between communities. We were joined by Claudia Emmanuel Laredo from the City of Bilbao, who was able to share with us the fantastic work they have been doing over many years to tackle rumours and create trained community advocates for greater mutual understanding.

The event has been made possible thanks to funding from the Council of Europe's Inter-Cultural Cities programme, and has supported a project Leeds City Council is running in partnership with London Borough of Camden to run a series of community sessions to tackle misinformation and disinformation in our own areas.

We would like to thank everyone who attended, especially Claudia. We certainly believe there is a qualitative benefit to this kind of international dialogue which is unique and very special.

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